It's never to late to take charge of your life...

I am loving the Biggest Loser Calendar that I found, it just has a lot of good tips for different things to do.  So this post is some motivational things, some tips, and just some things that if you are struggling at all to remember.

But first, my newest and latest obsession...

This gum, is amazing! It comes in Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry Shortcake, and Key Lime Pie.  The flavor lasts, and it chews pretty well.  AND I can taste the chocolate in the Mint Chocolate Chip, and the Graham Cracker in the Key Lime Pie. I just love them, and they help when I want something sweet! :)

So with that, remember
It's important to accept where you are today.  If you appreciate each point in your journey, you'll harness the positive energy it takes to achieve your goal weight.

Schedule your three small meals plus two or three small snacks each day.  Skipping meals leads to excess hunger, extreme eating, and extra calories.

At least half of your servings should be from vegetables; the other half from fruits.  Don't have more fruit servings than vegetable servings.

For all of you dark chocolate lovers, listen to this:

Dark Chocolate contains the same good-for-you compounds found in many fruits and vegetables.  Ounce for ounce, dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries.

What has been in our lives has absolutely nothing to do with what can be.  It's time to let go of those old ideas and philosophies of "I can't" and shift your focus to "I can."  Like The Biggest Loser contestants, you too have the strength inside to stare down and overcome any obstacle and live the life that you choose and deserve.

Next time I will talk about Ice Cream, and Ice Cold Water!!


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