Broccoli Pesto Pasta, not so perfecto...

Thursday night. I had nothing going on, I decided to try this recipe that I found in Good Housekeeping. It was for "Broccoli Pesto Pasta", when I read the recipe, it sounded great! I was really excited because I LOVE pesto and this was a healthier version. Well, the recipe called for Mint Leaves and this made me nervous from the get-go, but decided I would try it just as writted and see what I got. So I had my ingredients all lined up, Broccoli, Pasta, lemon, Mint Leaves, Olive Oil, Water, Parmesan Cheese, Salt and Pepper. I followed the recipe as directed and got this
Looks good, right? Well it didn't taste good at all!! The Mint was so overwhelming that, and the Broccoli was a weird texture (the mint and broccoli were mixed in a food processor) that I could hardly choke it down. My dad was brave and tried it, took the first bite and he said, "that's gross." My dog was the only one who ate, and that isn't saying much because this is the dog that eats raw onions, any vegetables and fruit.

So my attempt on this certain recipe failed. That's ok, I've got a lot more to try. And continue to look for good healthy recipes...I'm going to be a very frequent visitor to :)


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