All the men in the family have ventured to the Northern Country, so that left Mom, the dog and I at home.
So we started out at Sam's then to Drummonds to get some meet. Then we went on up to Kooistra's to pick apples...
Apple Picking is one of my favorite fall activities to do. It's just so much fun and trying to reach for the biggest, best apple at the top of the tree is the best. (Although my family tends to take advantage of me and my height for this!) Of course one of my favorite reasons for apple picking is, it doesn't take long to fill up the basket, unlike blueberries...:)
After the orchard we venture on to Fremont, where I was able to find, not 1 but 2 PAIRS of shoes! Finding shoes are soo hard and when I find them I get really excited and I LOVE both pairs that I got! :)
We finally made it home where mom put some chicken in the oven and I made yummy potato wedges, courtesy of Rachael Ray, three ingredients, potatoes, olive oil and grill seasoning! And they were made with homegrown michigan red potatoes (from grandpa's garden! :))
And I'm not a state fan, but that call at the end of the game was a great call! I know that East Lansing is going C-R-A-Z-Y right now!
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