Long days, cold nights

Every winter, I have the thought, "I want to knit".  So every winter, I look scour the internet, books, anywhere for something that I can make.  I trek to the craft store, pick up some beautifully colored yarn, come home and stare.  I stare, because here I am re-teaching teaching myself how to yarn over, cast on, cast off (sounds like "clap on, clap off"), purl stitch, etc.  Except this time around, I decided to be adventurous crazy and teach myself how to crochet.  As I sit here and type this and am staring at my book, online instructions, yarn and needles, I'm thinking that I might need to actually have someone work with me.  Youtube is great and all, but it's just not cutting it.  And all I wanted to knit/crochet was a scarf, ok well an infinity scarf, but that's not too hard, right?! I mean it's a circle...ok, ok, maybe I should be a little more lenient and work more than a few hours before wanting to give up...I'll give it another evening and see how it goes! (And probably many more after that, because I don't go down without a fight ;) Any helpful hints, tips, I'll gladly take them!


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