This morning/day was just one of those days. I was running behind because I couldn't find my keys (shocking), but let me back up. Somewhere between putting my "coat" ( for those of you that know me well coat is a loose term) on getting my breakfast and coffee ready I picked my Keys up and put them in my pocket. Fast forward to me frantically and angrily digging through my purse, getting extremely frustrated, I for some reason slipped my hand in my pocket and screamed "they're right here I have them" and flying out the door - later than I wanted but still on time for work. Go to open my door...frozen shut, as are the three other doors on my car. Finally get the passenger side back door open can't get passenger front open...can't get any door open. So in the freezing cold I'm blow drying BLOW DRYING the seal of my car hoping it would open, after a good 5-7 minutes of this, it finally does! With a frozen muffin and cold coffee I was off to work...and only 20 minutes late. Gotta love michigan! :)
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