i.love.that purple is the in color this season! I recently wandered into a ULTA. I had been in one before, but never really looked at what it had to offer. This time I perused the whole store and found some wonderful things!
Now I'm a complete girly girl who loves to wear makeup, do my hair, experiment with new things/styles (see Exhibit A (facebook profile picture of new haircut :)) and thinking about the next fun thing I could do (yes, I'm already looking at different haircuts that I might like to try out next time). I'm pretty sure I was a cosmetologist in a past life. anyways, moving on. I have dark brown eyes that I can luckily wear almost any color, and have been wanting to update my makeup collection. One of my favorite colors to wear is purple, and I found the best eyeliner...ULTA Smokey Eyes Black-Plum

Now putting those two colors together was genius and would love to thank the person that did! I love.LOVE. this eye-liner!
Along with this, I picked up a eyeshadow quad, because the makeup happened to be buy 1, get 1 free and this girl loves a good deal!!! I really like the eyeshadow quad too...

and imagine this, I bought it with the name "girly girl"...:)
And I have had this product for a while, but I love Maybelline's Pulse Perfection Mascara, now I have always been a Cover Girl (mostly) and Rimmel (every once in a while) mascara person, but this

Maybelline is W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. I thought it was a stupid concept and unnecessary. was i EVER wrong. Just the little bit of vibration really helps to separate the lashes and put an even coat on!

Also, I got this rockin' purse at Younkers this weekend! I haven't carried a "big" purse in a while and have missed it, I love having everything but my front door in one bag! I know it's not the best for your back or shoulder, but I can keep everything in there!!! Right now if you were to go through my purse you wouldn't find a ton, but give me another week and everything will be packed in!
About a month ago, I was looking/thinking about selling mark. cosmetics. What better way for me to constantly swap out my makeup bag, but also get it at a discounted rate, AND make extra cash!?!? Even if it is just enough to put gas in my car each month! I like that you don't have to have parties or anything like that you can just do catalog sales and even order online and have it shipped to your house! Plus I would love to sell to other women to help satisfy their inner "girly girl!"