Need a laugh?!?

Picture this:
Wake up - 8:09 am (work starts at 8:30...and your 15 minutes away)
Have no lunch - because you woke up super duper late!
Realize you have a package of oatmeal in your drawer - perfect
Cook oatmeal in plastic Dixie cup.
Cup melts
Transfer oatmeal to smaller bowl.
Oatmeal boils over the second bowl and onto the microwave tray.
Co-worker luckily has a package of oatmeal and measuring cup to heat water! YAY!
Finally eat oatmeal to realize it has a "musty" taste.
Can't figure out how to work oven that is available to you.
Finally figure out oven - only to burn your finger on one of the pans!
Pray that you can make it through the day without falling or injurying yourself!

By the way, that was my day today! :)


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