New Year, New...

I love that it is a new year.  It's a time to reflect on past and dream/plan for the future.  I'm able to look back and see what didn't work well, and think about what I want to change/improve!  I don't like to make resolutions, mainly because I'm not good at keeping them!  I'm more of wanting to set small goals that can be accomplished.  I do know one thing, that as I take on this new year, I want to be the best me, and the best that I can be, but I also want to make sure that my priorities are in line - putting God first in everything.  It's a struggle, but one that I know if I do, the blessings will be many!

One of my goals is to blog more, I have never been a huge writer, but want to chronicle my daily life.  This may be, will be simple.  I'm going to start with a picture of something that happened that day, or that represented my day.  I have seen these 'picture a day' or 'December photo project', they looked interesting to me, but never took the time to do it.  I can also see this as being, hopefully, a stress reliever - not stress inducer!  Because I know me the best, I will probably miss a day here and there, and that's ok, because no one is perfect.  Maybe this will turn into something more, something less...who knows.  I know that with the pictures there will be funny moments, inspiring moments, recipes/food reviews,a few a lot of makeup reviews, and whatever else I want.  After all, it's my place and space to write and talk about what's going on in my life.  I'd love to have input or dialogue with anyone that wants to.  I'd love to have you on this journey with me! 

Happy 2013!


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