Well, I am a little excited!  I did not have such a good month with watching what I was eating, and working out...which always makes me so mad, when I do bad, but even though I thought I could blow away the 27lbs,  by my birthday, I was able to be right there with it.  So as my facebook says 27.27.27, I guess it should say 27lb 27th 27th, decipher that (trust me it's not that hard)!

I also had another little accomplishment this morning.  I went to the gym and swam a whole mile non-stop, well except for three quick drinks of water! And, by doing that non-stop, my workout just felt so good this morning!

How can I not be happy today, has anyone looked outside....it's GORGEOUS, and besides the little, ok heavy winds, I can deal with it!

One year ago today we picked our our precious (now she-devil ;)) puppy Autumn, even though she drives us crazy some days, and she knows she cute and uses that to her advantage, we would not want to live with out her.  She loves every EVERY single one of us unconditionally and makes sure to greet us all in the morning when we wake up, how you can you not love that!

Oh, did I mention it's my Golden Birthday! :) I'm a meager 27 years young! It's kind of weird...

It's never to late to take charge of your life...

I am loving the Biggest Loser Calendar that I found, it just has a lot of good tips for different things to do.  So this post is some motivational things, some tips, and just some things that if you are struggling at all to remember.

But first, my newest and latest obsession...

This gum, is amazing! It comes in Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry Shortcake, and Key Lime Pie.  The flavor lasts, and it chews pretty well.  AND I can taste the chocolate in the Mint Chocolate Chip, and the Graham Cracker in the Key Lime Pie. I just love them, and they help when I want something sweet! :)

So with that, remember
It's important to accept where you are today.  If you appreciate each point in your journey, you'll harness the positive energy it takes to achieve your goal weight.

Schedule your three small meals plus two or three small snacks each day.  Skipping meals leads to excess hunger, extreme eating, and extra calories.

At least half of your servings should be from vegetables; the other half from fruits.  Don't have more fruit servings than vegetable servings.

For all of you dark chocolate lovers, listen to this:

Dark Chocolate contains the same good-for-you compounds found in many fruits and vegetables.  Ounce for ounce, dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries.

What has been in our lives has absolutely nothing to do with what can be.  It's time to let go of those old ideas and philosophies of "I can't" and shift your focus to "I can."  Like The Biggest Loser contestants, you too have the strength inside to stare down and overcome any obstacle and live the life that you choose and deserve.

Next time I will talk about Ice Cream, and Ice Cold Water!!

once again

I am once again trying to cut back/out diet coke from my life.  Why am I doing this?  Well I have yet to find the answer to that question.  I know that it is not good for me, and that I feel more bloated when I do drink it.  I know that going cold turkey will be a little hard for me, so I'm going to try at first to cut it down to like 3 or 4 glasses a week...(I know for all my fellow DC addicts that is like why even drink it if that is all you are going to have a week!)  My biggest downfall is going to be fountain Diet Coke.   

Nothing and I mean NOTHING tastes better than a Wesco Fountain Diet Coke with crushed ice.  That can quench any thirst, at any time! It's not just one thing that I love, its a combination of all things, that make this beverage taste absolutely wonderful!!!  

This isn't going to be easy, especially when it's a "0 point" drink, aka, I'm not drinking any calories, this will be a difficult one for me.  I know that I don't drink  nearly as much as I did over a year ago, and I do tend to waver back and forth with the thought of do I give it up or don't I give it up.  It's a daily battle and one I have to choose to fight, to do what is right for me, at this moment.

struggle bus...

I've been on the struggle bus lately, with a lot of things. Some physical, but a lot of emotional struggles. Learning to deal with things, and how to move on. It's not an easy task at all, and one that some days I wish I didn't have to deal with. I do know that me dealing with these, I will come out such a strong person, but it's hard.

One physical/emotional struggle lately has been with my work outs...I haven't wanted to do them. No excuse, no reason. I just am not motivated and all that I want to do is eat. I know what I need to do, and what I want (in my head) to do...So instead of making excuses, I'm just acting and doing what needs to be done. I know that I will feel great after doing it, and it will only benefit me in the long run. I just need to keep my focus on what my goals are. Right now, my goal is 27.27.27. If you see that as my facebook/twitter status one day then you will know that I am a happy girl!

I know that I can do it, I just need to mentally and spirtually prepare myself, I need to pray for God's help through this.
Live for the day:
As I was cleaning my room tonight, I went through my old Biggest Loser calendar from 2009 and found this information on december 1, 2009, and it is helping me..."Stay with your fitness program, one workout at a time, and make devoting yourself to it a top priority. If you can do that, the dedication you put forth will help you change not only your body, but your life, too. You'll discover that you can do anything successfully as long as you put your heart and mind into it."

Laughter for the day:

Diane and I, having a little harmless fun at the bridal shower today!!! :)

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