Me, Myself and I

I decided that since I missed my 530 am swim this morning ( and if I don't get to bed soon, I'm going to miss tomorrow's too!) that I would make up for it and walk around some of Lake Michigan tonight.  So I drove down to Beachwood Park and there is this path that goes through the woods that I always wondered where it lead to.  I put my Ipod in and away I went, it was so peaceful and calm, not many people on the trail.  Just me, my thoughts and God's beauty around me.  It was a perfect night for a walk, overcast so the sun wasn't beating down on you, and a nice breeze so you didn't come out look like you had sat in a sauna all day.  I was able to see a Momma doe and her two fawns while walking, and was just able to think and pray with God.  I need to take more alone time opportunities with him and talk with him.  He has helped me tremendously in my life and I need to cry out to him more.  Even when there isn't a gorgeous sunset to be had over Lake Michigan, I still find it beautiful.  It is beautiful in its own way, every day, no matter what the sky looks like.  I am so blessed to be able to drive 5 minutes to the lake and have a path where I can walk.  I'm very excited to swim tomorrow morning, and then go to the dr. and see what my results of my hard work have been! I'm sensing tomorrow is going to be a great day, and I'm hoping that I am not disappointed! :)


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